BJC HealthCare //

BJC HealthCare //

Putting the Care
in Career

Recruitment campaign for a world-class health organization

ECD: Lynn Ullman
CD, Art: Christian Lindsey
ACD, Copy: 👋

BJC HealthCare is the St. Louis region’s premier health system. But in the wake of the pandemic, BJC needed to recruit and retain clinical staff like never before.

Strength Rewarded

During the height of the pandemic, BJC developed a recruitment campaign called “Strength Within.” The idea was that BJC helped every employee find the strength to fight the pandemic and advance their career. But after two years, the messaging was beginning to feel stale. The client asked us how we might evolve Strength Within to better fit the recruitment needs of a post-pandemic BJC.

We conducted interviews and focus groups to better understand the candidate market. We wanted to know: What were clinical staff feeling? What did they want from their careers now? What would it take for them to stay in healthcare?

We realized that in all of the “healthcare hero” messaging of 2020, hospitals weren’t answering the most simple question for job seekers: what’s in it for me?

Those insights led us to “Strength Rewarded.”

Broadcast Spot

Strength Rewarded was about showcasing the pure, human moments that only those in healthcare are lucky enough to see. For this regionally aired spot, we told the real-life story of a BJC nurse and the enduring relationship she built with one of her patients after bringing her son into the world.

Radio Spots

Knowing we couldn’t tell such rich, visual stories on the airwaves, we took a different strategy for our radio spots. Rather than focus on the emotional, we focused on the literal: If you’re working in healthcare, you’ve already proven your strength — now come to BJC and get rewarded for it.


The Quiet Man


Saint Louis University